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5 Simple Steps To Start a Podcast

After much thought, you’ve decided: You’re going to launch a podcast. You have ideas on what you’ll say, who you’ll be talking to, and even a few thoughts on what you’ll call the show. The only...

Take A.I.M. at Your 2024 Goals

January 1 is a fresh start, a new beginning, a clean slate. It’s the time of year to take stock of last year’s victories and defeats; assess how each was accomplished; and set goals for the days, months...

Dream First, Goal Set Second

Daydreaming is a form of spontaneous, imaginative thinking that occurs when our minds wander and we create vivid mental images or scenarios. Daydreaming about the future involves envisioning different possibilities and scenarios we want to experience...

The Still, Small Voice of Christmas

Christmas and social media — what do you think? Perfect together or perpetually stressful? For me, both. The lyrics, memes, messages, images and posts from other Christians bring joy to my heart. At the same...