It’s time to call yourself a writer

It's time to call yourself a writer

I decided a few years back I wanted to run a marathon. I have never been particularly athletic, but I was determined, and over weeks and months of training runs of 13, 15 and 20 miles that took many hours, I finished that marathon. In the years after, I ran a second marathon and a couple half marathons. I was running, but to this day I still have a hard time calling myself a runner.  

In my mind, a runner looked a certain way, wore certain clothes, had a certain lifestyle, and my view of myself was radically different from that person. The fact that I laced up my shoes and covered the same amount of miles didn’t seem to count in my mind. But, the truth was, what qualified me to call myself a runner was that I ran.

This is no different than writing. You might have an idea of what a writer looks like. Perhaps it is someone who is on the New York Times’ bestsellers list, someone who has written life-changing Bible studies, contributes to magazines, or maybe a journalist for a newspaper. Now those are “real writers.” When comparing that image to yourself, tapping out your thoughts on a blog post seems to pale in comparison. But if you write, you are a writer.

Every time you dare to post that blog, write that article or press “post” on that social media account, you have become a writer. No special accolades needed, no awards or acknowledgements necessary. It is time to take the title and use it proudly. For many of us, this is an act of courage and the Lord knows how hard it is to be courageous. 

When Joshua takes over for Moses — and God puts him in charge of leading the Israelites into the promised land in Joshua 1:9 — the Lord tells him over and over again to be strong and courageous, to not be frightened. What would have happened if Joshua simply sunk into paralysis by constantly comparing himself to Moses and telling himself he wasn’t a leader like that? We shutter in the wondering.

God doesn’t call us to write to prove to us we are able but to prove to us He is. As we step into our title as writer, we move courageously into sharing His message. We act as a conduit for His power and the message of love He wants to pour out onto others, no matter how many those readers are, they matter immensely to Him.

The next time someone asks you what you do, be brave and say, “I am a writer.” 



COMPEL Community Coordinator

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  1. I so needed to hear this as you hit on many of the buttons of why I am afraid to call myself a writer. It was like a breath of life blown into me, thank you, from your fellow writer!

  2. Thanks, Ashley! Whether we are reaching the 99, or the one – we are writers. And perhaps the greatest transformation of all is in us when we put pen to paper. God is doing great things!

  3. Adrienne Gaines: August 1, 2020 at 7:36 am

    I am a writer! What a timely post to read. I’ve written things before in many journals, notebooks, posts, sermons, etc. but I never called myself a writer. I thought something had to come together. I’m thankful for this post and walking in my calling!

  4. I just signed up for Compel training a few minutes ago. Writing has been on my heart for sometime but I’ve been afraid to pursue it. After reading your post, I am declaring Joshua 1:9 as my verse as I step out into this big unknown! Thank you for your words of encouragement!

  5. Thank you so much for this. I read this at the right time. I am a writer!

  6. Jennifer Sexton: July 16, 2020 at 12:34 pm

    I am a writer! Thank you for the confirmation!

  7. Gosh, I needed to read this today. Thank you so much, Ashley. This was a very encouraging and timely post.

  8. I am a writer.

  9. I boldly declare, I am a writer. Thank you. I needed that.