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A Fiction Editor’s Guide to Writing

COMPEL Director Tracie Miles and Bethany House Publishers Fiction Acquisition Editor, Raela Schoenherr, chat about what’s happening in the world of fiction writing. Raela discusses what kind of Christian fiction books are most successful and how to grab...

The Recipe for Great Writing

All writers want to give their readers something to remember, whether it’s a story that uplifts, a truth that transforms, or a message that heals. Denise Hughes will discuss six secret ingredients inherent in all great writing that...

Making Your Move as a Writer

You’ve been writing for a while, but you are still not comfortable calling yourself “a writer”. Using her experience of transitioning from writing for a hobby to writing as her work, Lynn Cowell shares 6 points that will...

Teach the Bible with Confidence and Authority

Bible study author and teacher, Wendy Blight, talks about our calling as Christian writers, which is to understand the privilege and honor of our calling, break open the Word of God for His people and do it to...

Discovering Your Why

If we don’t know the why behind what we do, it’s challenging to share it with others. We may lead in with our what, our how, or our when, and yet never convey what we are really trying...

Managing Your To-Do List

Does your overwhelming to-do list keep you from writing? Proverbs 31’s Executive Director of Communications and author of Taming the To-Do List, Glynnis Whitwer, chats with Lisa Allen about the practical techniques Glynnis has learned to effectively manage...

Get a Handle on Your Habits

In this lesson, Lisa highlights a few ways we can identify those harmful habits and gives you practical ways to replace them with helpful habits.

How Kelly Balarie Made COMPEL Work for Her

Kelly Balarie was a COMPEL member for two years before receiving a two-book contract with Baker Publishing. Kelly talks about walking in obedience to God’s call on her life to write, her struggle with insecurity, how she finds...