How To Create Content Without Burning Yourself Out

How To Create Content Without Burning Yourself Out

I don’t know about you, but I love to plan and organize, especially when it comes to social media content. With three active teenage boys, a full-time job and a writing ministry, planning content in advance is a necessity. That’s why I use a method called “batching.”

Batching is grouping specific tasks that are similar and doing them all at once. One of the benefits of batching is being “in the zone” while creating our best content. How? The need to multitask is eliminated while we focus on one task at a time. 

Below are tried-and-true ways to plan and promote your social media content by batching.

  1. Source all of your photos. Save time planning your social media by gathering all of your images prior to designing posts. I can’t tell you how many rabbit holes I have traveled while searching for the right picture. Organize them on your computer, or upload them into a graphic design program to be used later.
  2. Block time to design all of your social media posts at one time. Have a template handy in a graphic design program with your branding, such as colors, fonts and the logo, to make designing even easier. Download them into an easily accessible folder, and label them with the month.
  3. Schedule your content for the entire month. How many of us have posted something on our social media in a rush because we didn’t plan in advance? Yep, me too. Wouldn’t it be nice to have all of your content written, graphics created and posts scheduled for the month? Yes! Use a scheduler to plan your posts for the month, and you will find you have time to focus on other tasks, like creating new content for your readers or commenting on other bloggers’ content. Your blogging friends will love you for it!

A handy batching tool is a content library. All of those useful articles and posts you see while perusing social media and blogs? Save them for later use, whether it is sharing an encouraging post, or maybe an entertaining video or meme, with your audience. 

Social media is an effective way to reach an audience yearning to grow in Christ. We write and create content to encourage others with the Word of God, and the time spent should be as productive as possible. Batching tasks and eliminating unnecessary distractions will turn your focus away from the tasks themselves and onto the desire to share content your audience can’t wait to read.


Regina Lewis

Have you tried batching tasks? Let us know how it worked for you. If you haven’t tried batching, let us know if you will be trying it.


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  1. Kathy Carroll: July 5, 2022 at 2:51 pm

    Thank you! Then I am an author! I write in the middle of the night when I can’t sleep. 2 hours later I can finally sleep. I had a paper publicized in a college book. I’ve written countless newsletter over the years. I have believed the myths, but now I know better. UT now I need tovercome these myths. 1. I am too old. 2. I don’t have time. 3. I don’t have the money. 4. my family circumstances just don’t allow it. (My husband has TBI and dementia is setting in, as well. I am in charge of everything and am overwhelmed right now.)
    I will be working on these myths. that I have placed on myself.
    Oh, and there is always #5. Noone is interested in what I have to say.

  2. this was good advice. I implemented several tips. Thanks.

  3. I love this practice. It works. Your advice and experience are so practical and helpful. I especially love the pictures suggestion. Thank you, Regina!