“Freedom From Worry” Devotion Challenge!

We are excited to announce the “Freedom From Worry” Devotion Challenge as our first COMPEL Training writing challenge of 2022! Due to the popularity of the last two books published by Proverbs 31 written solely by our talented COMPEL members, we will be publishing another devotion book in September 2022. This year’s book, titled Letting Go: Prayers and Devotions for Sleeping Well in a World Full of Worry, will contain devotions and prayers on the theme of letting go of our worries so we can get a good night’s rest. For challenge details and information on how to participate click here.

COMPEL CLASS: Why Digital Products Are a Smart Business Choice for Writers by Becky Kopitzke

Working toward a book deal? Bet you're churning out blog posts or social content in hopes of growing an audience, right? That's great. The author life is filled with blessings... and costs. The closer you get to your writing goals, the more time and money you'll spend on your website, email list, design tools, and so much more. How in the world can a writer keep up? Answer: Digital products. Join us as author, content creator and coach Becky Kopitzke from The Inspired Business shares how you can use your writing skills to create consistent income that supports your publishing goals and blesses your family!

Spring 2022 Direct Access featuring Jennifer Dukes Lee

We are so excited to announce the next Direct Access: A Writers’ Book Club  will be starting soon! Our Spring 2022 study will take place from February 21, 2022 to March 25, 2022, featuring best selling author and speaker Jennifer Dukes Lee and a study of her most recent book, Growing Slow: Lessons on Un-Hurrying Your Heart from an Accidental Farm Girl. Click the link below to visit the “Direct Access Member” page for all the details and how to get involved! (Be sure to log in to COMPEL first!)   <DIRECT ACCESS DETAILS>

What Every Author Wants in an Agent and What Agents Want in Authors, By Blythe Daniel from The Blythe Daniel Agency

Every author wants someone to believe in their writing from the start, and this is where an agent and an author connect! What are the characteristics and qualities authors should consider when talking with agents? How can authors maximize their conversation with an agent? And how do you know if your work will be considered by an agent? Do certain agents only look at certain types of writing? Blythe will cover these questions in this teaching video and help you uncover the secrets all writers want to know about working an agent.