How To Put Together a Media Kit as a Writer

Creating a media kit is a fun and easy way to introduce yourself to your readers and publishers. But where do you begin when putting a media kit together? What all needs to be included? We are answering all your questions here …

You have a message burning in your heart, and now you want to get the message out into the world and open up opportunities to speak your message through interviews, podcasts, speaking and writing opportunities. But so do a lot of other people. The psalmist reveals that there are many women out there telling their messages.

“The Lord gives the word; the women who announce the news are a great host …” (Psalm 68:11, ESV).

So how is your message unique, and how can your voice be heard among the many other voices? How do you get the word out?

In Christ, we don’t have to be jealous of the opportunities others have. God is sovereign in the doors He opens. And God is big enough to make enough opportunities for all His servants. 

But we can help doors to open by faithfully stewarding our message. A media kit is a great way to introduce you to people looking for messages to share.

What Is a Media Kit?

A media kit is a promotional package with information about your ministry that you provide to members of the media for promotional purposes. A press release or press kit are other names this goes by. When I traveled to the NRB conference (which I highly recommend), the conference opened many doors for interviews, and the media kit I created and placed at the media table at that conference was essential in securing these interviews.

What To Include in Your Media Kit

What you include in your media kit will depend on what you are seeking to do, but you will typically want to include:

  • Your book cover image.
  • Book description.
  • Sticky benefit statement about your book (three or four bullet points).
  • Endorsements.
  • Your bio.
  • Sample interview questions.
  • Link for sample chapters.
  • Downloadable photos of you.
  • Contact information.
  • Social media.

How To Create Your Media Kit

Canva is a great tool for creating a media kit, but you can also simply use Microsoft Word. Go to, and create a free account if you do not have one. Type “media kit” in the search bar, and peruse the sample templates. Select the most suitable one for your branding, but you can also adjust the colors and images according to your style. Add images and relevant content, removing content from the template that does not apply to you.

How To Share Your Media Kit

There are several avenues to get your media kit out into the world. Place it on your website, email it to your audience and potential media organizations that would benefit from your message, share it on social media, and distribute press releases to Christian news outlets.

Attending conferences for writers provides opportunities to share your message and also hear others’ messages too. As many women carry the Good News, we can all help each other cultivate our messages and share them far and wide for the glory of God.

All for Jesus,

Denise Pass

Do you have a media kit? What elements are most important to your message? Share in the comments.


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