Are You Surrendering Your Gifts?

Like all gifts from the Lord, we are supposed to surrender our writing life to Him, instead of striving to do it all on our own, by our own power and might. Instead of getting impatient or wanting it all to go as we think it should, we need to learn to surrender our gifts to Him. Here is how you can learn to surrender today …

As I typed the final period and slowly closed my laptop, I quietly prayed, “Lord, use this how You will.” And at the time, that was that. I didn’t think much of this simple prayer or even consider going deeper. This prayer had become a habit, a routine, a pattern. However, as I opened my Bible later that day, the Lord used the story of a lowly widow to cause me to reflect. 

Did I truly trust God to use my meager offering? Was I writing as an act of obedience and surrender? Would I truly accept what God chose to do, or not do, with my writing?

In Mark 12:41-44 (ESV), Jesus and His disciples were sitting outside of the treasury, watching people give their offerings. Some gave extravagant amounts, but Jesus said this of the widow who gave two copper coins: 

“Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.”

We have a choice to make: We can offer the gifts the Lord has given us like the wealthy or like the widow.

Here are three ways we can surrender our gifts and give like the widow.

  1. Offer What You Have.

The widow could have come up with a million excuses not to offer her small coins. She knew it wasn’t worth much, she knew other people were giving more, and she knew she needed the money just to get by. Instead, she chose to give anyway. She gave what she had. 

What has the Lord given you? Are you fully surrendering your gift to Jesus?

  1. Motives Matter.

Jesus wasn’t impressed with the wealthy who gave large amounts. They “contributed out of their abundance” revealing their motive to be self-exaltation, not surrender or trust. However, the widow “put in everything she had.” She gave faithfully, motivated by love and obedience. 

When you use the gifts you’ve been given, what are your motives? Self-exaltation or love and obedience?

  1. Trust God To Use Your Gift as He Wills.

Have you ever wondered what was done with the two small copper coins the widow offered? I doubt the equivalent of one cent could accomplish much of anything. However, the widow gave anyway … and Jesus was pleased. God is capable of taking the smallest offering and multiplying it to have a great impact. 

Do you believe what you give is enough? Do you fully trust Him to use your offering … big or small? 

The call to write is a gift we must choose to lay at the feet of Jesus day by day, hour by hour. Some days, He may take your gift and multiply it, reaching the masses. Other days, He may choose to use your writing in the life of just one person (and that person may be you). 

Like all gifts from the Lord, we are supposed to surrender our writing life to Him, instead of striving to do it all on our own, by our own power and might. Instead of getting impatient or wanting it all to go as we think it should, we need to learn to surrender our gifts to Him. Here is how you can learn to surrender today …

Now, as I finish an article, I pray, “Lord, use this how You will and give me the faith to trust in Your will above all else.”


Samantha Decker

Like the widow, are you giving your all, trusting God to use your gifts as He wills? Ask the Lord to increase your trust in Him today. 


Samantha Decker is a coffee connoisseur, wife, mom of boys, writer, and above all a follower of Jesus. She and her husband, Dustin, live in Oklahoma and serve at Quail Springs Baptist Church. You can connect with Samantha on Instagram, Facebook, or through her newsletter at

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  1. Thank you. I often think so much has already been written as I look at all the books on the shelves. What could I have to say that would add to what has already been said. But by offering the words God gives me to write back to Him to be used by Him, for His glory. Maybe for one other person gives me a new found hope to write… all for Him and for His use and for His glory. Amen.

  2. Thank you for this encouragement. Your example of the widow is a beautiful way to look at the writing life. As I write, I feel the Lord meets me there, and knowing He is with me gives me the confidence that He will use the words placed on my heart for His glory.
    God bless you for offering this message.

  3. This s hit me and blew y do d I need it t too I have, like every Ritter questions my gift and found reasons why no t to do more with it or you can say give like the widow this piece made me rethink my struggle with God and why if I was called to write why wasn’t I able to make a living at it ?
    I think it maybe time for me to be more like the widow and go ve my all to my writing not just weave the philosophies of sacrifice love and giving into my books
    I n feed this to change my mindset Thank you so much for this work I can tell you your prayer got answered
    My gratitude for obeying

  4. Yowch, thank you so much. This is very meaningful to me!