Eat. Pray. Write: Dishing Up Some Soul Food and Writing Your Next Best Devotional

Eat. Pray. Write. Three words that will help you create a devotional with a hungry heart and draw your readers closer to God. Begin with the PRAY method, and watch how God works …

If you want to know how to write a devotional, start with your own hungry heart. 

What ails you, friend? 

Are you heartbroken, feeling lonely or angry, or experiencing oppression? Chances are your readers are too. Grab your Bible, and find the encouragement you need. Feed yourself on the Word of God; then dish it out in a devo for your tribe. Soul food makes for the best devotional material. As we spend time in God’s Word, we are encouraged to inspire others. 

Here’s a simple method I use for writing a quick devotional: the EAT, PRAY, WRITE method. It always starts with my own noshing on the Word, mingled with lots of prayer. After that, the writing part is usually pretty straightforward. I’ve broken it down into an acronym: PRAY.

Pray and partner with the Holy Spirit to pull your reader toward God’s heart. 

Read the Bible. While it’s tempting to check out what’s happening in the world or on social media to see what you should write about, God knows the hearts of His people. He knows what they need or will need when they read your words. Trust His timing and sovereignty of knowing a word in due season.

Always answer your reader’s point of pain by pointing them to Jesus. Whether you’re using scripture from the Old Testament or New Testament, you can point readers to Jesus because He is written into every page from Genesis to Revelation. God’s painkilling plan for us always included His Son, Jesus; the answers we’re looking for today will too! 

Yield again to the Holy Spirit, asking for the focus to be off you and more on how your reader can get personal with Jesus. Using stories from our own lives is an excellent way to connect with our readers’ hearts, yet we want all the glory to shine on what God has done and will do, who He has been for us and will be again in our time of need. 

Devotionals are meant to draw the reader’s heart toward God to devote our hearts and time more intentionally to God, His Word and time spent with Him. Feed your heart with God’s Word first; then create a feast for theirs. Write from your heart, with the heart of God, and you will feed their hungry souls every single time.

Bon appétit!

Amy Elaine Martinez



Amy Elaine Martinez is devoted to helping heart-shattered lives become whole again in Christ. She's a self-proclaimed Grace Slinger and a Victory Girl at heart, who loves leading women to experience freedom and breakthrough through an intimate relationship with Jesus. She's an Okie who loves fried okra and exploring the plains off historic Route 66 where she lives in a tiny barn with the love of her life, David, and an Aussie named Maverick, who stole her heart after their boys left to adventure out on their own. Amy Elaine prefers cowboy boots and flip flops if she's wearing shoes at all. She's a Bible teacher, former radio host, and Word junkie who loves Jesus wildly. Amy Elaine's blog, “A Broken Girl Made Whole,” inspires women to walk in wholeness and live in victory through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. Amy Elaine’s desire is to see women walk in wholeness and develop an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Living the victorious life is one of the major themes of her ministry.

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  1. This article? It’s got some interesting ideas, definitely. You’ve touched on a few good points, but it feels like there’s more to explore. Digging a bit deeper next time could really add value. On the plus side, you are thinking outside the box, which is great. Your writing style gets the point across, but it could use a bit more energy. The examples are decent, but adding some spice wouldn’t hurt. I’m not saying it’s bad, just that there’s room for improvement. Consider tightening up your arguments and including more compelling facts. You’ve got potential. Keep pushing yourself, and your next piece could be truly impressive. Keep at it! Your next article might just blow me away. Or maybe not. We’ll see.

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